Rethinking solar panels for large buildings

Solar panels are evolving with ever-higher levels of power and reliability.

However, their considerable weight, combined with the fixing structures (~ 15 Kg/m²), is not compatible with a large proportion of existing buildings rooftops.

To address this market, a significant evolution in the design of the solar panel is therefore necessary, while maintaining increased resistance to ageing, mechanical shocks (such as hail) and installation.

As a result, there are very few large solarised roofs to date, despite the huge potential available.


A patented technology

To provide an effective response to these challenges, HELIUP uses a patented CEA technology developed over 3 years at INES (National Institute for Solar Energy).

This unique technology is based on the conservation of ultra-thin glass (< 1mm) and on an innovative installation concept involving direct bonding of the panel to the waterproofing membrane.

After a qualification phase involving numerous mechanical tests and accelerated ageing in-house at CEA, the concept was validated in May 2023 by independent IEC651215/61730 certification.

In order to offer the market an insurable solution, HELIUP has joined forces with a major manufacturer of waterproofing membranes to control the risks of damage to the building (fire, loss of waterproofing).

In France in particular, these certifications, known as ETN or Avis Technique, are essential for marketing the product.

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